There were three things I knew for sure:
1. The man I was going to marry - Randy
3. The theme that I wanted - Forest (something like this actually)

So the first thing I did was raid google and pin all the reference I wanted on Pinterest - Click here to view my board. All brides out there, I recommend you create a board on Pinterest for your wedding planning. Get it all printed on to a paper if possible for easy reference. Take a few colour prints of especially the dress, the hair do, the bouquets and anything that you will have to give to another person as reference.
The Second thing I did was make the Wedding Organizer (WO). Which should look something like the book in this picture. Of course I custom made mine.

mom - the super organized perfectionist. lol
We girls want something more personal... :)
So I sectioned my WO and went to meet my chosen vendors about prices and availability.
One more piece of advice girls - go alone if you have to don't wait on anyone, including your fiance.
[Of course a wedding planner would come in handy at times like these]
I had about three people in mind for each service, because as much as you may like one person, that person may or may not be available for you.
ALWAYS have a back up plan - a principle my husband adamantly follows.
I spent about a month getting all the quotations I needed. Visiting every place I had to.
My parents drove me around in most cases. Nothing could happen without my mom knowing it. I mean I needed her she is 'the planner' on top of being my mom!
[btw she worked out some neat discounts with the vendors she always worked with - another perk of having a wedding planner - they're equipped with networks of merchants who honor their patronage]
Once all quotations were stapled in to the pages of the WO - I re-did a background check on all the vendors I had chosen, just to make sure I had chosen right.
My husband was very helpful in that matter: Being girls we might easily be overwhelmed by all the pretty things and therefore clouded in our judgement.
Mind you, the vendors in SL know that! They will mystify you by their advertising, their talking, their branding etc. But always read through the lines. Do not hesitate to ASK what is included in their service package and what is not included. If the merchant is impatient or hesitant - do not hire!
You need someone with patience and passion; NOT one who could do better behind a cashier in a bank.
The more questions the merchant answers (honestly - identifiable by a straight face) the more marks you should give them.
Anyways, getting back to the original topic:
After confirming the merchants I started giving them the orders and paying the advances; asking for receipts at all points of transaction and stapling them to the WO. Always ask for receipts.
[Of course if you're hiring a wedding planner these will get done - rest assured]
O! And I did not miss out on chances to spend relaxing day outs with Randy while in the process.
Most brides get so caught up in the planning that they do not have time to communicate with their fiance - unless it is something about the wedding itself.
Not Good!
[Another reason to hire a wedding planner]
Yeah ok, I think I've come to the point where I should say that on the day of my wedding I regretted that I hadn't hired a wedding planner. Honestly, as much as it has been our family business to do so, my mom being the chief planner, it came as a disadvantage that she was the mother-of-the-bride (MOB) too!
So, all you Very-Creative girls out there,PLEASE get someone outside to help you!
Not even a wedding planner should plan her own wedding - or her daughter's wedding - or any wedding in which she may be a key participant!
See, my mom being my mom, had to think about me ON TOP of so many other things she had to attend to as the MOB.
- What everyone in my family was going to wear?
- Where was my brother's shirt?
- My father's socks?
- Where do the photographers settle down?
- Were the relatives staying over at our place all attended to?
- Did she have someone to tie the back of her sari jacket?
- Who was making breakfast?
- Who was going to see that my grandfather received his medicine on time amidst all the hassle?
She surely had a 101 things going on in her mind.
She wanted to be there with me while I was being dressed at the beauty shop - but she couldn't coz she had to receive the guests who arrived at our place in the morning. She had to see that they were fed. etc. etc.
I on the other hand did my own nails, waxed my own arms and legs, worked my own dress, designed my own shoes... all good but is it needed? Couldn't it have just got done by someone else? Of course I would overlook it all - but did I HAVE to do it myself? Answer is definitely NO.
I felt less prepared, less glamorous and less fresh on my wedding day when I put on my dress. I was hoping I would feel fresh, clean and rejuvenated - unfortunately not so much, because I had stressed myself out.
I hadn't visited the salons and spas as often as I would have loved to, because I was busy planning! I was walking out in the hot sun along the dusty and narrow roads of Pettah (Colombo) searching for the perfect ribbon to match my dress or the perfect lace to hem my veil. I regret all of that.
That is what happens to girls like myself who think we can do it all!
Now I envy the beautiful brides for whom my mom handled the planning. They were beautiful, radiant and every detail had been attended to.
Ok, I'm going to stop writing here, coz I'm beginning to feel all upset again... :(
My wedding went perfectly, people were impressed, nothing went wrong, all done on time!
BUT I believe I could have looked much better on my wedding day if I had just left the details to someone else.
Here is a photo of me and my Hubby
And this is my Mom - on my wedding day
I'll share more wedding pictures later :)
Adios for now
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