Hello folks,
So recently I came to be enlightened to a great truth about girls using make-up to 'transform' themselves in order to look like they have wider eyes, lusher lips, thicker lashes and flawless skin...
I don't want to use any local photos since I might offend somebody so I'm gonna use these google images to show what I'm talking about, though of course you girls out there know exactly what I'm talking about.
And of course there're much more dramatic transformations achieved through contouring!
But hey! I am a woman and I know we ladies like to do what we call "highlighting our features, hiding the flaws and looking evenly toned"
When we go to salons to get our make-up done we often tell the beautician to try to keep it natural...
But more often than not, that is exactly what the beautician does not intend to do.
This is true especially for BRIDES!
These make-up artists rub the natural features clean of the bride and add new ones!
I've even heard on television, beauticians speaking about how they enjoy doing bridal make-up coz they can really show their talents!
Translation: They can show the world how well they can transform the bride into someone her husband hasn't seen before! LOL
Well, I was all for it actually, I wanted to look my best on my wedding day, as do all brides: Though I carefully chose my beautician after many trials, the truth is I might have actually chosen the one who 'hid my flaws' the best.
Okay, okay my bridal make-up wasn't bad... She did do a good job overall
But I hope you get what I'm trying so say here... (phew)
I, like most of you ladies, like to choose a beautician who can make magic happen. But as I came to know very recently, guys don't like these 'transformations'...
Some time back a guy I know showed me one of the FB pages of a beautician that I was already following due to her miracle working make-up, and told me this;
"Look at the difference! Why do girls want to change the way they look on their wedding day when the guy had agreed to marry the girl he has seen and known to be completely lovable and beautiful without the make-up?"
The comment got to me but didn't linger till my husband told me very recently that he didn't like my bridal make-up! :O
Just to be fair on my make-up artist - this is a pic of me on my wedding day:
So I thought I should ask around a bit, and when I did the answer was unanimous...
So ladies and ESPECIALLY BRIDES, keep this in mind the next time you do your make-up
Something like this is what I would recommend:
Any guys reading this, feel free to comment. :)
Adios for now!
Till I blog again...
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